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Suka Pelangi Saya?

[h] E [a] r [T] L [e] E [s]

~ sns cerita tentang ~
Assalamualaikum wbt..

I was too busy thinking unnecessary things recently, i am thinking without my little brains. Hey, don't i look so STUPID ! Yesterday, i saw this on my FB. "The first step to better times is to imagine them." It was stated by my friend ; Valen. In hurry my fingers jotted down somethings to leave some comment. I typed : cant imagine anything. And a few minutes later she replied back with this : hehehe...cant imagine cos we dont have goal.
It has deep meaning behind the sentences, i felt like to cry but i knew it is not the best solution.
Cry out if that is the helpless nor sadness.So, i keep my tears inside my small heart. I need to go through it and i'll grow better then, this is so called LIFE. Everything should be clear to let a fresh lively cells grow, learn it slowly. It just only i havent got the way 'cos of i tensed up myself and not realize others which is near to me actually.
My empty heart is just come back in my life.haishh.I have to set my goal from now on.


To you [you know yourself] ; congratulation for your diploma. All the best for your degree =). Friendship for ever ok?

Note 1 : This is the 5th times my dad has to undergoes op after 4 times delayed. I really hope that this time is the real and the final.

Note 2 : Empty heart due to less time with Allah, perhaps! Allah, please forgive me for all my sins. Please forgive for all my parent, siblings, teachers, friends sins.May bless us Allah. I have no goal in my life.

Jantung buatmu : Surah Al-Asr ; 103:1-3 [ 1- For the time! 2- Mankind are always wasting the chances. 3- Expert those who are strong believers and work on the goodness. And who remind other (and themselves) about the truth, either the patience(good heart).]

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