~ sns cerita tentang ~
Assalamua'laikum wbt...
Assalamua'laikum wbt...
Seisi rumah pulang ke Malaysia, tinggal saya seorang saja di rumah. Cuaca hari ni sangat baik, alhamdulillah tak perlu lagi berlapis dan panas pun boleh tahan (baru 3bulan diselubungi kesejukan, panas siket dah tak tahan...hmph!). Pertama kalinya saya berkeseorangan membeli belah keperluan peribadi termasuk beberapa barang untuk dipos ke Malaysia. Saya sentiasa ingat kamu semua walaupun kadang-kala saya tak sempat nak bertegur sapa seperti dulu :(. Saya minta maaf.
Oh ya, esok saya ke Program Cuti-Cuti Musim Bunga (CCMB) di Plymouth (Selatan UK) dengan menaiki bas yang memakan masa 5jam 20mins. InsyaALLAH akan berada di sana hingga Khamis nanti, dan saya harap sepanjang di sana saya dapat lupakan apa yang sedang bermain di fikiran saya ni. Haish, serba salah saya dibuatnya tapi saya sendiri buntu apa yang harus saya lakukan.
Apapun, saya nak menyahut 30 cabaran blog, ramai yang dah lama buat, saya sorang je agak ketinggalan :P
30 Days Blog Challenge
Day 1 – A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 – A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
Day 2 – A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
Day 1 : A photo of yourself and description of how your day was
Day 3 : Your idea of the perfect first date
.:. Saya membawa dan bersama suami ke tempat idaman dan kesukaan saya, menikmati lukisan alam ALLAH. Tempatnya? Tunggu saya dah bersuami baru boleh beritahu .:.
Date 4 : Your favorite photograph of your best friend
Lihat di tepi kiri tu. =), Mereka insan-insan yang paling memahami dan ada di sisi saya!
Sambung di cabaran berikutnya...Yang ke 7 tu menarik kan? :P Hilangkan stress dan mahu kerap mengemaskin blog dengan cara menjawab cabaran :P
Jantung Hatiku : M A A F =((
yeah... akhirnye Kak Wana buat gak hehe. saya punye terbengkalai. ><
Tu tandanya, nak cat cilut dan takda idea nak update blog. langkah mudah, jawab cabaran.hehehe.
saya dah nak habis! go kak wana go! ^_^
Ainul, sabar...
Cabaran 7 tu rasa berat pula nak menjawab :P
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